Klingon Ships

Klingon Battle Cruiser D-7-Class

These are the Starships that formed the backbone of the Klingon Defense Force for decades. The D-7-type vessels were in service in the 2260s, a design shared with the Romulan Star Empire in trade for a cloaking device during the brief alliance between the two powers. these vessels, some 228 meters in overall length, were equipped with warp drive and phase-disruptor armament. By the 2280s, an uprated version, known as a K't'inga-class vessel, was introduced into service. The Klingon battle cruiser was designed by Matt Jefferies and introduced during the third season of the original Star Trek series. A more detiled version was built by Magicam for Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and was reused in Star Trek II, Star Trek VI, and The Next Generation.

A Klingon Bird-of-Prey B'rel-class

This ship used by the Klingon Defense Force, capable of both atmospheric entry and landing, as well as warp-speed intersellar travel. At least two classes of this ship have been in use since 2286, the smaller B'rel-class scouts and the larger K'vort-class Cruisers. Both were equipped with cloaking devices. The B'rel-class ships had a complement of about a dozen officers and crew, the K'vort-class was able too have a larger crew, and came with a parascope that where link to phaser guns at the end of both sides of the ships wings. In 2293 an experimental uprated version of this ship was developed in an effort to allow the ship to fire while still under cloak. This prototype vessel was commanded by General Chang, who used it in his unsuccessful attempt to obstruct the Khitomer peace conference. The ship was designed by Nilo Rodis and built at ILM. It was first seen in Star Trek III, and also used in Star Trek IV, V, VI, VII, TNG, DS9.

Klingon Attack Cruiser Vor'cha-class

Attack Cruisers were among the largest and most powerful vessel in the Imperial Fleet. In 2367, Klingon High Council leader K'mpec was transported aboard an attack cruiser on his final mission; his plea for Jean-Luc Picard to serve as Arbiter of Succession after K'mpec's death.("Reuion"[TNG]). The Vor'cha-class attack cruiser was designed by Rick Stembach and Built by Greg Jein. It first apeared in "Reuion"(TNG), and has been seen in other episodes of TNG, and DS9.