Star Trek: Sound Clips

Star Trek: TOS

Captain James T. Kirk

Kirk & Spock- "Kirk & Spock Love Afair"
Kirk - "Prepare to attack. All hands battlestations."  (35k)

Captain Spock
Spock - "Humans make illogical decisions"  (25k)
Spock - "Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few"  (52k)

Lt.Com.Scott (Scotty)
Scotty - "Captain! We're losing power in the warp engines"  (26k)
Scotty - "I've got a hangover to shame all previous hangovers"  (46k)
Dr. Leonard McCoy
McCoy - "You really have gone where no man's gone before"  (31k)
McCoy- "He's dead Jim!!!"

Captain Christopher Pike
Pike - "My name is Christopher Pike....Commander of the Spacevehicle Enterprise from a stellar group at the other end of this galaxy."  (70k)

Kor-"You are now subjests of the Klingon Empire" (54K)

Koloth"We Klingons are not as luxury-minded as you Earthers. We do not equip our ships with non-essentials" 153KB

Kang - "Animals.... Your Captain crawls like one.. A Klingon would never have surrended" (147.5k)

Star Trek: TNG

Captain Kurn

Kurn - "You and I will fight battles that others can only dream of! The time for glory is is not a time to worry about stableizers! It's a time to celebrate...for tomorrow we all may die!" (67.1k)

Lursa & B'Etor

Duras - B'Etor: "Worf is not like his brother."
Lursa: "No he tries to be but he is still not sure of himself."
B'Etor: "Perhaps he needs something to help restore his conferdence."
Lursa: "I think he'll find our offer apealing."
B'Etor: "I'LL make sure he does." (90.2k)


Gowron - "Now the war...can continue." (49.2k)


brothers - Kurn: "I simply didn't want too hurt your blood is not so thin after all!"
Worf: "I am a Klingon.. if you dout it a deminstration can be aranged!!"
Kurn: "That is the responce of a Klingon, the responce I would expect from my older brother." (102.4k)
Worf- "We missed!!!" (36.3K)

Star Trek: DS9

Captain Sisko

Sisko- "When the Dominion fleet was about to come through the wormhole I asked the Prophets for there help ... they gave it to me... Now there asking for my help!" (184.6)
Sisko- "by putting together a task force comprised of elements of the second, fifth, and ninth fleets I believe we can retake Deep Space Nine..." (184.3)
Sisko- "The Klingons have withdrawn from the kitama-a-cords the peace treaty between the Federation and the Klingon Empire has Ended!" (186.4)

There Will Be More Coming Soon...